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Case Study
Sep 5, 2023

Tidio mobile app case study

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Tidio mobile app, Empowering small businesses with efficient customer service and chatbot solutions. By incorporating in-app shopping with Vendo, an app similar to Tidio could effortlessly establish an extra revenue channel. Integrate Vendo into your mobile app via a WebView to configure an in-app marketplace, granting users the ability to explore and purchase products from domestic brands, while earning a commission for each transaction.


Vendo is designed to cater to all your marketplace needs in one place. Its marketplace platform automates day-to-day operations, offers a diverse catalog of brands to choose from or the option to invite your own brands, provides merchandising and promotional tools for effective marketing, enables selling through multiple channels (including your existing website, emails & SMS, mobile app, and social media), and offers continuous daily support for the growth of your marketplace business.

Success factors of Tidio mobile app

Intuitive User Interface: Success is driven by an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing businesses to efficiently manage customer interactions and chatbot solutions.

Customizable Chatbots: The app's success is attributed to offering customizable chatbot solutions, enabling businesses to tailor automated responses to their specific needs and branding.

Omnichannel Support: Success is enhanced by providing omnichannel support, allowing businesses to engage with customers across various communication channels, including website chat, email, and messenger apps.

Real-Time Visitor Monitoring: The app's success is supported by real-time visitor monitoring features, enabling businesses to track and analyze user behavior for personalized engagement and support.

Integration Capabilities: Success is driven by seamless integration with various platforms and CRMs, allowing businesses to centralize customer data and streamline communication processes.

Automation and Workflow: The app's success is attributed to offering automation and workflow features, enabling businesses to automate repetitive tasks and streamline customer service processes.

Personalized Customer Engagement: Success is enhanced by providing tools for personalized customer engagement, such as targeted messaging and dynamic content, to drive meaningful interactions.

Data Analytics and Reporting: The app's success is supported by robust data analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing businesses to gain insights into customer interactions and optimize their strategies.

Scalability and Reliability: Success is driven by offering a scalable and reliable platform that can accommodate the growing needs of businesses while ensuring consistent performance.

Continuous Innovation: The app's success is attributed to a commitment to continuous innovation, with regular updates and new features that align with evolving customer service trends and technologies.

Suggestions for Tidio mobile app's growth

Enhanced Chatbot Personalization: Develop advanced capabilities for chatbot personalization, allowing businesses to create more tailored and contextually relevant automated interactions with their customers.

AI-Powered Insights: Introduce AI-driven insights and analytics to provide businesses with actionable data on customer behavior, preferences, and trends, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize their customer service strategies.

Expanded Integration Ecosystem: Expand the integration ecosystem to seamlessly connect with a wider range of e-commerce platforms, CRMs, and marketing tools, offering businesses greater flexibility and functionality.

Multilingual Support: Implement multilingual support to cater to businesses serving diverse global markets, enabling the app to accommodate a broader range of users and businesses with varying language needs.

Voice and Video Chat Capabilities: Introduce voice and video chat capabilities to offer a more immersive and personalized customer service experience, catering to evolving communication preferences and needs.

AI-Driven Predictive Support: Develop AI-driven predictive support features that anticipate customer needs and provide proactive assistance, enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of customer interactions.

Industry-Specific Solutions: Create industry-specific solutions and templates tailored to the unique needs of different business sectors, providing specialized tools for businesses in specific verticals.

Community Engagement Tools: Introduce community engagement features such as forums, user groups, or knowledge-sharing platforms to foster a sense of community among Tidio users and encourage collaboration and learning.

Enhanced Security Measures: Implement advanced security measures to ensure the protection of customer data and compliance with privacy regulations, building trust and confidence among businesses and their customers.

Customer Education Resources: Offer comprehensive educational resources, including webinars, tutorials, and best practice guides, to empower businesses to maximize the potential of Tidio's features and enhance their customer service capabilities.

Suggestions for other businesses to replicate Tidio success

User-Friendly Interface: Prioritize a user-friendly interface that simplifies the management of customer interactions and chatbot solutions, ensuring businesses can easily navigate and utilize the platform.

Customizable Chatbot Solutions: Offer customizable chatbot solutions that allow businesses to tailor automated responses to their specific needs and branding, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of customer interactions.

Omnichannel Support: Provide support across various communication channels, including website chat, email, and messenger apps, to enable businesses to engage with customers seamlessly regardless of the platform.

Real-Time Visitor Monitoring: Develop features for real-time visitor monitoring, enabling businesses to track and analyze user behavior for personalized engagement and support, fostering a deeper understanding of customer needs.

Integration Capabilities: Enable seamless integration with various platforms and CRMs, allowing businesses to centralize customer data and streamline communication processes for improved efficiency and consistency.

Automation and Workflow: Offer automation and workflow features that empower businesses to automate repetitive tasks and streamline customer service processes, saving time and resources.

Personalized Customer Engagement Tools: Provide tools for personalized customer engagement, such as targeted messaging and dynamic content, to drive meaningful interactions and enhance customer satisfaction.

Data Analytics and Reporting: Introduce robust data analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling businesses to gain insights into customer interactions and optimize their strategies based on actionable data.

Scalability and Reliability: Ensure the platform is scalable and reliable to accommodate the growing needs of businesses while maintaining consistent performance and quality of service.

Continuous Innovation: Foster a culture of continuous innovation, with regular updates and new features that align with evolving customer service trends and technologies, ensuring the platform remains relevant and competitive in the market.

Improve your mobile app's ARPU using Vendo, giving users access to amazing products from domestic brands. Triple affiliate sales commissions to 20-30%, offering 3-5 times more earnings than most affiliate links.


  • Book a demo call: We’ll set up your demo marketplace and populate it with products
  • Customize your marketplace: We’ll help you craft a marketplace that aligns with your branding guidelines,
  • Onboard Brands: Invite your favorite brands or choose brands from the Vendo brand catalog. We can also start reaching out to brands you’d like to sell on your behalf.
  • Select Products: Curate product collections manually or automate the process to efficiently manage your catalog and meet customer demand.
  • Embed products: Make your editorial content shoppable with products embedded right where your customers expect them to find. Simplify and streamline product discovery.
  • Start Selling Programmatically: Push products through multiple touch points: on your website, share it on social media, and include products in your newsletters. 
  • Get Paid: Get paid as soon as products are shipped by the brands. No need to wait 30-60 days or worry about orders not attributable to your affiliate links.
  • Get Repeat Sales: Since you’re not linking out, your customers will keep coming back. We’ll help them with abandoned cart emails and promotional email blasts. 


Put a shopping cart in your content
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