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Case Study
Jun 21, 2023

Latch mobile app case study

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Latch mobile app is a comprehensive operating system of software, products, and services designed to enhance the experience of building owners, residents, and third parties, enabling seamless modern living. By integrating in-app shopping with Vendo, a platform similar to Latch could seamlessly establish an additional revenue stream. Incorporate Vendo's platform into your app using a WebView, offering users the opportunity to explore and purchase products from local brands while earning a commission for each transaction.


Vendo is the ultimate destination for all your marketplace needs, providing an automated platform, a varied brand catalog, and the opportunity to include your own brands.

Success factors of Latch mobile app

Seamless Access Control: Providing intuitive and secure access control features, allowing residents, guests, and service providers to navigate buildings effortlessly while maintaining security.

Integration Capabilities: Offering robust integration with smart home devices, property management systems, and IoT infrastructure to provide a holistic and interconnected living experience.

User-Friendly Interface: Designing an intuitive and visually appealing user interface that simplifies navigation and enhances overall user experience for residents and third parties.

Reliable Connectivity: Ensuring consistent and reliable connectivity to support real-time access, communication, and data exchange within the app's ecosystem.

Scalability and Flexibility: Building a platform that can scale with the needs of different types of buildings and properties, accommodating diverse requirements and configurations.

Security and Privacy Measures: Implementing stringent security protocols and privacy measures to safeguard user data, access credentials, and communication channels.

Maintenance and Service Integration: Facilitating seamless integration with maintenance requests, service scheduling, and communication channels to streamline property management processes.

Analytics and Insights: Providing valuable analytics and insights for building owners and managers to optimize operations, enhance security, and improve resident experiences.

Customization Options: Offering customization features for building owners and managers to tailor the app's functionalities to their specific property requirements and branding.

User Support and Training: Providing comprehensive user support, training resources, and documentation to ensure that all stakeholders can maximize the benefits of the app's features effectively.

Suggestions for Latch mobile app's growth

Expanded Integration: Enhance integration capabilities with a wider range of smart home devices, property management systems, and IoT platforms to broaden the app's utility and appeal.

Partnerships with Property Developers: Forge strategic partnerships with property developers to integrate Latch into new construction projects, establishing a presence in upcoming residential and commercial developments.

Enhanced User Onboarding: Develop comprehensive onboarding processes and resources to ensure seamless adoption by residents, building owners, and service providers, maximizing user engagement.

Community Engagement Features: Introduce community engagement features such as resident forums, event coordination tools, or neighborhood directories to foster a sense of belonging and connectivity within Latch-enabled properties.

Data-Driven Insights: Leverage data analytics to provide actionable insights for building owners and managers, enabling informed decision-making and optimization of building operations.

Vertical Expansion: Explore opportunities to expand into related verticals, such as hospitality or commercial real estate, by tailoring the app's features to address specific industry needs.

Localized Marketing Strategies: Tailor marketing efforts to specific regions and property types, highlighting the unique benefits of Latch for different market segments and geographic areas.

Enhanced Security Features: Continuously improve security protocols and features to address evolving threats and reassure users of the app's commitment to privacy and protection.

Sustainability Initiatives: Introduce sustainability-focused features or partnerships to align with environmentally conscious building management practices and appeal to eco-friendly property owners and residents.

User-Centric Innovation: Solicit feedback from users and stakeholders to drive continuous app improvements, ensuring that new features and updates align with user needs and industry trends.

Suggestions for other businesses to replicate Latch success

User-Centric Design: Prioritize user experience and intuitive design to create a seamless and engaging platform for residents, building owners, and service providers.

Robust Access Control: Develop secure and flexible access control features that cater to the diverse needs of residents, guests, and service providers while maintaining high levels of security.

Integration with Smart Technologies: Embrace integration with smart home devices, IoT infrastructure, and property management systems to create a comprehensive and interconnected living experience.

Partnerships with Real Estate Developers: Form partnerships with real estate developers to integrate the platform into new construction projects, establishing a presence in upcoming residential and commercial developments.

Scalability and Flexibility: Build a platform that can scale with the needs of different types of buildings and properties, accommodating diverse requirements and configurations.

Data Analytics and Insights: Provide valuable analytics and insights for building owners and managers to optimize operations, enhance security, and improve resident experiences.

Community Engagement Features: Introduce community engagement features to foster a sense of belonging and connectivity within properties, enhancing the overall living experience.

Localization Strategies: Tailor the platform's offerings and marketing efforts to resonate with diverse cultural preferences and regional property management practices.

Security and Privacy Measures: Implement stringent security protocols and privacy measures to safeguard user data, access credentials, and communication channels.

Sustainability Initiatives: Emphasize sustainability by promoting eco-friendly practices, supporting energy-efficient technologies, and offering visibility into sustainable property management options.

Maximize your mobile app's ARPU with Vendo, empowering users to explore excellent products from homegrown brands. Triple your affiliate sales commission to 20-30%, surpassing typical rates by 3-5 times.


  • Book a demo call: We’ll set up your demo marketplace and populate it with products
  • Customize your marketplace: We’ll help you craft a marketplace that aligns with your branding guidelines,
  • Onboard Brands: Invite your favorite brands or choose brands from the Vendo brand catalog. We can also start reaching out to brands you’d like to sell on your behalf.
  • Select Products: Curate product collections manually or automate the process to efficiently manage your catalog and meet customer demand.
  • Embed products: Make your editorial content shoppable with products embedded right where your customers expect them to find. Simplify and streamline product discovery.
  • Start Selling Programmatically: Push products through multiple touch points: on your website, share it on social media, and include products in your newsletters. 
  • Get Paid: Get paid as soon as products are shipped by the brands. No need to wait 30-60 days or worry about orders not attributable to your affiliate links.
  • Get Repeat Sales: Since you’re not linking out, your customers will keep coming back. We’ll help them with abandoned cart emails and promotional email blasts. 


Put a shopping cart in your content
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