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Case Study
Dec 19, 2023

JANE Multi-Vendor Marketplace Case Study And How to Start Your Own

Written by, a dynamic online marketplace, offers a curated selection of fashion, home decor, and unique products, providing both sellers and shoppers with a vibrant platform for discovering and showcasing trendy and affordable finds. If you're considering launching your own marketplace, Vendo stands out as an excellent option due to its user-friendly interface and cost-effective nature.

Vendo allows you to rapidly create your marketplace, featuring well-known domestic brands, all while handling inventory and shipping logistics. With Vendo taking care of these operational tasks, you have the freedom to personalize and enhance your marketplace's unique identity.


Vendo is a one-stop-shop for all your marketplace needs, providing you with a marketplace platform automating day-to-day operation, a catalog of brands to pick from or an ability to invite your own brands, merchandising and promotional tools, ability to sell through multiple channels (your existing website, emails & SMS, mobile app, social media), and ongoing daily support scaling your marketplace business. A Marketplace Triumph

Curating Affordable Fashion and Home Goods, an online marketplace specializing in fashion and home decor, has carved out a remarkable success story worth emulating. Founded in 2011, it has grown into a thriving platform that showcases daily deals from boutique sellers. The numbers don't lie, with reporting annual revenues in the range of $100 million, a testament to their prowess in the online marketplace arena.

Driving Success with Daily Deals

At the heart of a success is its unique approach to offering daily deals. With thousands of products featured at any given time, the marketplace creates a sense of urgency and excitement for shoppers. This strategy has resulted in millions of satisfied customers and contributed significantly to their impressive sales figures.

Unlocking Potential Through Affiliate Marketing affiliate program has played a pivotal role in their triumph. They've partnered with influencers, bloggers, and websites, providing them with a generous commission structure. These affiliates promote daily deals to their audiences, amplifying the marketplace's reach and driving substantial sales. This partnership has proven highly lucrative for both and its affiliates.

Emulating Success in the Marketplace

To replicate marketplace success when starting a new venture, consider these key strategies:

  • Unique Selling Proposition: Identify a niche or unique selling proposition that sets your marketplace apart from competitors.
  • Daily Deals and Urgency: Create a sense of urgency with limited-time deals to drive customer engagement and sales.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Establish a well-structured affiliate program to expand your marketplace's reach and boost sales.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Prioritize customer satisfaction through excellent service and a seamless shopping experience.
  • Sustainability: Maintain consistency and adaptability to changing market trends to sustain long-term growth. Setting the Trend in the Marketplace World

In summary, marketplace success is a result of their innovative daily deal approach and a thriving affiliate program. By adopting these strategies and tailoring them to your niche, you can aspire to achieve similar success in the competitive marketplace landscape.

Get started with a marketplace like Jane on Vendo!


  • Book a demo call: We’ll set up your demo marketplace and populate it with products
  • Customize your Storefront: We’ll help you craft a storefront that aligns with your brand identity, ensuring a cohesive and on-brand shopping experience for your customers.
  • Onboard Brands: Invite your favorite brands or choose brands from the Vendo brand catalog. We can also start reaching out to brands you’d like to sell on your behalf.
  • Select Products: Curate product collections manually or automate the process to efficiently manage your catalog and meet customer demand.
  • Embed products: Make your editorial content shoppable with products embedded right where your customers expect them to find. Simplify and streamline product discovery.
  • Start Selling Programmatically: Push products through multiple touch points: on your website, share it on social media, and include products in your newsletters.
  • Get Paid: Get paid as soon as products are shipped by the brands. No need to wait 30-60 days or worry about orders not attributable to your affiliate links.
  • Get Repeat Sales: Since you’re not linking out, your customers will keep coming back. We’ll help them with abandoned cart emails and promotional email blasts.


Put a shopping cart in your content
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