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May 26, 2023

How Shopify Brands Can Motivate Creators To Sell More Of Their Products

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Influencer marketing is tricky. Especially smaller brands complain about hit and miss experiences working with creators. Vendo helps to re-align brands' interests with what creators want. As a result, brands and creators sell more together.

Budget limitations pose a significant hurdle for smaller brands. Influencers with big followings often ask for hefty upfront fees for endorsing products or services without any guarantee of proportional sales results.

And since there are so many smaller influencers out there, it's hard to tell which ones would be a good fit. Identifying creators who align with a brand's values, target audience, and niche can be a time-consuming task, especially for those lacking experience in the influencer landscape. 

Because of these risks, many brands miss out on accessing organic audiences built by the creators on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok.

Apprehension of wasted time and money is a deterrent for many brands.


Popular Approaches to Influencer Marketing

Sponsored Content

Collaborating with influencers to create sponsored posts, videos, or stories featuring the brand's products or services.

Potential drawbacks associated with this approach:

  • Authenticity Concerns: Some followers may view sponsored posts as overly promotional or insincere, leading to skepticism and decreased trust in the influencer's recommendations. This can impact the effectiveness of the sponsored content in driving genuine engagement and sales.
  • Disclosure Requirements: Sponsored content is subject to disclosure regulations to ensure transparency for consumers. Influencers must clearly disclose their partnership with the brand, often by including statements such as "#ad" or "sponsored" in their posts. Failure to meet these disclosure requirements can lead to legal issues and damage the brand's reputation.
  • High Costs: Engaging in sponsored content partnerships can be costly, particularly when working with influencers with larger followings or high engagement rates. Brands with limited budgets may find it challenging to collaborate with influencers who command high fees, potentially limiting their ability to implement this approach effectively.
  • Performance and ROI Measurement: Determining the direct impact of sponsored content on sales and return on investment (ROI) can be complex. Brands may face difficulties in accurately measuring the effectiveness of individual sponsored posts in driving conversions or determining the overall impact of their influencer marketing campaigns.
  • Lack of Performance Incentives: Influencers may lack the direct motivation to drive sales for the brand when participating in sponsored content campaigns. Since influencers are typically paid upfront or based on their engagement metrics (such as followers or views), their compensation may not be directly tied to the actual impact or effectiveness of the campaign in driving sales. This can result in a misalignment of incentives, where influencers may prioritize creating content that generates high engagement or visibility without necessarily focusing on driving conversions or maximizing the brand's ROI.

Brand Ambassadors

Establishing long-term partnerships with influencers who become brand ambassadors, consistently promoting the brand across their social media platforms.

Potential drawbacks associated with this approach:

  • Commitment and Long-Term Investment: Establishing a brand ambassador program requires a long-term commitment from both the brand and the influencers involved. Brands must invest time and effort in nurturing and maintaining relationships with brand ambassadors to ensure their ongoing support. This level of commitment can be challenging for brands that prefer shorter-term campaigns or have limited resources to sustain long-term partnerships.
  • Potential Image or Reputation Risks: Brand ambassadors, being associated with the brand over an extended period, have the potential to impact the brand's reputation. If a brand ambassador's behavior or public image becomes controversial or conflicts with the brand's values, it can lead to negative associations and damage the brand's image.
  • Limited Diversity and Exposure: Relying solely on brand ambassadors for influencer marketing may result in a limited range of perspectives and content. Brands should carefully consider the diversity and representation within their brand ambassador program to ensure they connect with a broader audience and avoid creating an echo chamber effect.
  • Performance Measurement and ROI: Measuring the direct impact of brand ambassador programs on sales and ROI can be challenging. While brand ambassadors can create consistent brand exposure, it may be difficult to attribute specific sales or conversions solely to their efforts. Implementing effective tracking mechanisms and utilizing unique promo codes or affiliate links can help overcome this challenge.

Affiliate Links and Promo Codes

Providing influencers with unique affiliate links to track sales generated through their content, earning them a commission for each successful referral. Or offering them personalized promo codes that their followers can use to receive discounts on the brand's products or services, incentivizing purchases.

Potential drawbacks associated with this approach:

  • Complex Systems and Commission Structures: Brands pursuing affiliate marketing have two options: establishing their own tracking system or utilizing existing affiliate networks such as Awin, Mediavine, or Like To Know It App. Developing and maintaining an in-house system can be costly, requiring investments in link generation, tracking sales, and managing payouts. On the other hand, using affiliate networks often means sacrificing a significant portion of the commission to intermediaries, making it less enticing and motivating for influencers, especially considering that popular platforms like Amazon Affiliate offer commissions as low as 3-4%.
  • Privacy Concerns and Cookie Phasing Out: Privacy regulations and the phasing out of third-party cookies by major web browsers have impacted the effectiveness of tracking and attributing sales through affiliate links. As privacy measures tighten, tracking the customer journey and accurately attributing sales to influencers becomes more challenging. This can lead to incomplete or inaccurate sales attribution, potentially affecting the commission payouts and overall success of affiliate marketing campaigns.
  • Overreliance on Discounts: Regularly offering promo codes can create a perception that the brand's products or services are consistently discounted. This can devalue the brand's offerings and condition customers to wait for discounts before making a purchase. Over time, this may erode the brand's perceived value and profitability.
  • Brand Consistency and Implementation Challenges: Influencers often work with multiple brands and products they genuinely like, which may require using various affiliate links, promo codes and networks. Managing multiple links and networks can be cumbersome, affecting the influencer's personal brand consistency. This challenge is particularly evident on platforms like Instagram, where adding links directly to posts is not possible, and influencers are limited to adding just one link to their bio. This restricts the seamless integration of affiliate links into social media content and makes it harder to promote multiple brands effectively.

Influencer-Curated Product Collections

Collaborating with influencers to curate their own product collections within the brand's offerings, showcasing their personal style and preferences to their followers.

Potential drawbacks associated with this approach:

  • High Investment and Uncertain Returns: Developing new products specifically for a curated collection requires significant investment in research, development, and manufacturing. Brands face the challenge of predicting whether the collection will resonate with consumers and generate sufficient sales to recoup the investment. There is an inherent risk of investing resources in a collection that may not achieve the desired returns, making it a potentially costly endeavor.
  • Cost-Prohibitive for Small Brands: Collaborating with influential creators who can drive substantial engagement and reach is often a prerequisite for a successful influencer-curated collection. However, securing collaborations with prominent influencers usually comes with a hefty price tag. The cost of partnering with such influencers may be beyond the budgetary constraints of small brands, making it a less viable option for them to pursue.
  • Importance of the Right Brand-Influencer Match: Successful influencer-curated collections heavily rely on finding the right match between the brand and the influencer in terms of shared values, audience alignment, and brand image. If this match is not carefully considered, the entire investment can be at risk. An ill-fitting collaboration can result in a lack of authenticity, poor reception from the influencer's audience, and potential damage to the brand's reputation. Brands must invest time and effort into selecting influencers who genuinely align with their values and can effectively promote the curated collection to their followers.
  • Manufacturing and Inventory Management: Creating and producing products specifically for an influencer-curated collection introduces additional challenges in terms of manufacturing and inventory management. Brands need to accurately forecast demand, manufacture the products at scale, and efficiently manage inventory to avoid overstocking or understocking. Failure to strike the right balance can result in wasted resources, excess inventory, or missed sales opportunities.


So how can Shopify brands effectively motivate and engage creators for their brand's success?

We've created Vendo to unlock the full potential of influencer marketing.

Vendo empowers influencers to create their own dropshipping boutiques, featuring carefully curated products from brands with online stores on Shopify, WooCommerce, and other leading platforms.

Vendo goes beyond being just a transactional platform by helping creators build their own online presence outside of TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube, including an email list, and take ownership of their audiences away from social media platforms. This empowers and motivates creators to fully commit.

And so, by partnering with Vendo, Shopify brands gain access to a pool of highly motivated creators who are passionate about promoting their products.

With Vendo-powered creator boutiques, brands can tap into the creativity and persistence of influencers, knowing that they are invested in the success of their online stores.

Vendo ensures that brands only pay a commission when an actual sale is made, mitigating risks and guaranteeing an expected return on investment.

In conclusion, Vendo is a useful tool for motivating and engaging creators for effective collaborations with brands.

With Vendo, brands can benefit from the expertise and reach of influencers while providing them with a platform to curate and sell products they genuinely love. 

By aligning interests, offering higher commissions, and enabling personalized online stores, Vendo creates a win-win situation that drives sales, enhances brand image, and fosters long-term partnerships between brands and creators.


Why Vendo is a win-win solution for both content creators and brands

Benefits of Vendo Marketplaces for Brands:

  • Access to a pool of highly motivated and engaged content creators.
  • Increased brand exposure through influencers' curated online boutiques.
  • Cost-effective marketing strategy with a commission-based payment structure.
  • Enhanced brand authenticity and alignment with creators who genuinely love and promote the products.
  • Mitigated risks and guaranteed return on investment, as brands only pay commissions on actual sales.
  • Opportunity to tap into influencers' creativity and unique storytelling to amplify brand messaging.
  • Building long-term brand partnerships and collaborations with influential creators.
  • Expanded reach to the followers and audiences of content creators, increasing brand visibility and customer acquisition.
  • Ability to track and measure the effectiveness of influencer campaigns through Vendo analytics dashboards.
  • Access to Vendo creator talent list, offering a streamlined process for connecting with content creators.

Benefits of Vendo Boutiques for Content Creators:

  • Opportunity to curate and sell high-quality products from amazing domestic brands.
  • Ability to create a personal and trustworthy shopping experience for their followers.
  • Ability to build their own email lists and foster long-term follower loyalty.
  • Access to a wide range of brands and products to choose from, ensuring choice and relevance to their audience.
  • Ability to showcase their creativity and storytelling skills around products available in their boutique.
  • Collaboration opportunities with brands that share their values and resonate with their audience.
  • Support from Vendo to maximize their success as content creators turned shopping destinations.

Join Vendo brand network and start selling through dozens of motivated Influencers with no risk, no upfront payments.


Add a sales channel with dozens of Creators
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