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Case Study
Nov 15, 2023

Business Insider Affiliate Revenue Success Tripled

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Business Insider, a prominent name in the world of business journalism, holds a significant position in delivering comprehensive coverage and analysis. With a strategic focus on affiliate links, Business Insider underscores the importance of sales commissions, particularly derived from product reviews and recommendations, as a substantial revenue stream. The integration of Vendo introduces an exciting opportunity for Business Insider to significantly amplify its sales commissions—potentially experiencing a remarkable 3-5x increase. By seamlessly incorporating shoppable products and a user-friendly shopping experience into its content, Business Insider can strategically enhance its monetization strategies, providing an enriched and interactive experience for its audience.


Meet Vendo – your all-in-one solution for marketplace success. This one-stop-shop provides a platform for automating operations, a handpicked brand catalog (or an invitation for your own brands), merchandising tools, and the flexibility to sell through various channels. Expect ongoing daily support as your marketplace business thrives.

Elevate your marketing game with Vendo, a step above traditional affiliate links, offering extended visitor engagement, robust customer data protection, and unparalleled upselling potential.

Unlocking Success in Digital Publishing

Business Insider is a widely read digital media platform that covers business, finance, technology, politics, and various other topics. Launched in 2007, Business Insider has grown into a prominent source for news, analysis, and insights into the world of business and finance. The success of Business Insider is attributed to its timely reporting, in-depth analysis, diverse content offerings, and the ability to cater to a broad audience.

Success Factors of Business Insider

1. Timely and Comprehensive Reporting:

Business Insider's success is rooted in its commitment to timely and comprehensive reporting. The platform provides breaking news and in-depth coverage of significant events in the business, finance, and technology sectors, keeping its audience well-informed.

2. Diverse Content Categories:

The success of Business Insider is attributed to its coverage of diverse content categories. From business and finance to technology, politics, and lifestyle, the platform caters to a broad audience with varied interests, ensuring a wide readership.

3. Data-Driven Journalism:

Business Insider incorporates data-driven journalism, providing its audience with insights supported by relevant data and analytics. This approach enhances the credibility of the platform and contributes to a deeper understanding of complex topics.

4. Multimedia Content:

The inclusion of multimedia content, such as videos, podcasts, and interactive features, contributes to Business Insider's success. The platform recognizes the importance of diverse content formats to engage a broad audience with different preferences.

5. Expert Analysis and Opinion Pieces:

Business Insider features expert analysis and opinion pieces from industry professionals and thought leaders. This adds depth to the platform's content, offering perspectives that go beyond basic reporting and contribute to informed discussions.

6. Mobile Accessibility:

Business Insider prioritizes mobile accessibility. With a responsive and user-friendly mobile design, the platform ensures that readers can access its content seamlessly across various devices, meeting the needs of the modern, on-the-go audience.

7. Strong Social Media Presence:

A strong social media presence is a success factor for Business Insider. The platform leverages social media platforms to share its content, engage with its audience, and stay connected with readers in real-time.

8. Exclusive Interviews and Features:

Business Insider conducts exclusive interviews and features with key figures in the business and finance world. These exclusive insights and behind-the-scenes looks contribute to the platform's reputation for delivering unique and valuable content.

9. Global Perspective:

Business Insider provides a global perspective on business and finance. Its coverage extends beyond regional boundaries, offering insights into international markets, trends, and geopolitical developments, attracting a diverse and global readership.

10. Continuous Innovation:

Business Insider's success is tied to its commitment to continuous innovation. The platform adapts to changing media landscapes, embraces new technologies, and explores innovative storytelling methods to stay relevant and engaging.

Business Insider's Audience and Their Values

Business Professionals:

Business professionals form a significant portion of Business Insider's audience. Executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals value the platform's insights into market trends, industry developments, and strategic business analyses.

Investors and Traders:

Investors and traders rely on Business Insider for timely and relevant financial news and analyses. The platform's coverage of stock market movements, economic indicators, and investment insights caters to this audience's information needs.

Tech Enthusiasts:

Tech enthusiasts find value in Business Insider's coverage of the technology sector. The platform's insights into the latest tech trends, innovations, and industry developments appeal to readers interested in staying informed about the tech landscape.

Suggestions for Replicating Business Insider's Success

1. Prioritize Timely and Comprehensive Reporting:

Prioritize timely and comprehensive reporting. Stay on top of breaking news and provide in-depth coverage of significant events in the chosen niche, ensuring that the audience remains well-informed.

2. Cover Diverse Content Categories:

Cover a diverse range of content categories. Tailor content to appeal to a broad audience with varied interests, offering comprehensive coverage that spans multiple sectors within the chosen niche.

3. Embrace Data-Driven Journalism:

Incorporate data-driven journalism. Provide insights supported by relevant data and analytics to enhance the credibility of the platform and contribute to a deeper understanding of complex topics.

4. Incorporate Multimedia Content:

Include multimedia content in various formats. Utilize videos, podcasts, and interactive features to engage a broad audience with different content preferences and provide a dynamic and immersive experience.

5. Feature Expert Analysis and Opinion Pieces:

Feature expert analysis and opinion pieces. Seek contributions from industry professionals and thought leaders to add depth to the platform's content, offering perspectives that go beyond basic reporting.

6. Prioritize Mobile Accessibility:

Prioritize mobile accessibility. Ensure a responsive and user-friendly mobile design to allow readers to access content seamlessly across different devices, meeting the preferences of a modern, on-the-go audience.

7. Cultivate a Strong Social Media Presence:

Cultivate a strong social media presence. Leverage social media platforms to share content, engage with the audience, and stay connected in real-time, fostering a sense of community and interaction.

8. Conduct Exclusive Interviews and Features:

Conduct exclusive interviews and features. Seek opportunities to provide readers with unique insights and behind-the-scenes perspectives, creating content that sets the platform apart and adds value for the audience.

9. Provide a Global Perspective:

Provide a global perspective. Extend coverage beyond regional boundaries, offering insights into international markets, trends, and developments to attract a diverse and global readership.

10. Embrace Continuous Innovation:

Embrace continuous innovation. Adapt to changing media landscapes, explore new technologies, and experiment with innovative storytelling methods to stay relevant, engaging, and at the forefront of industry trends.

In conclusion, replicating the success of Business Insider involves a strategic focus on timely reporting, diverse content coverage, data-driven journalism, and continuous innovation. By understanding the values of the target audience and implementing effective strategies, a new platform can establish itself as a valuable and influential source within its chosen niche.

However, there's a different method to monetize your online audience that you might find beneficial.

Initiate your own multi-brand marketplace on Vendo, reaching an impressive 20-30% affiliate sales commission—potentially tripling the standard returns from regular affiliate links.

Furthermore, the longer time users spend on your pages contributes to heightened customer data retention, enabling the expansion of your email list and presenting a multitude of future upselling possibilities.


  • Book a demo call: We’ll set up your demo marketplace and populate it with products
  • Customize your Storefront: We’ll help you craft a storefront that aligns with your branding guidelines,
  • Onboard Brands: Invite your favorite brands or choose brands from the Vendo brand catalog. We can also start reaching out to brands you’d like to sell on your behalf.
  • Select Products: Curate product collections manually or automate the process to efficiently manage your catalog and meet customer demand.
  • Embed products: Make your editorial content shoppable with products embedded right where your customers expect them to find. Simplify and streamline product discovery.
  • Start Selling Programmatically: Push products through multiple touch points: on your website, share it on social media, and include products in your newsletters. 
  • Get Paid: Get paid as soon as products are shipped by the brands. No need to wait 30-60 days or worry about orders not attributable to your affiliate links.
  • Get Repeat Sales: Since you’re not linking out, your customers will keep coming back. We’ll help them with abandoned cart emails and promotional email blasts. 


Put a shopping cart in your content
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