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Sep 25, 2023

BigCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace Platform Review

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BigCommerce stands out as a general-purpose eCommerce solution with more than one third-party multi-vendor marketplace app available. However, BigCommerce versatility comes with its own set of considerations, from pricing to marketplace scalability, usability and support. Let's delve into BigCommerce from the perspective of a marketplace use case, exploring its platform overview, features, pricing, usability, customization, SEO and marketing capabilities, and customer support.


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Overview of BigCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace Platform:

BigCommerce offers a versatile platform for businesses looking to establish and manage an eCommerce business. With a focus on flexibility and scalability, BigCommerce provides a robust foundation for launching and growing, leveraging third-party apps to tailor the platform to specific marketplace requirements.

Given that a marketplace use case requires quite particular customizations, you might need a custom-built decoupled storefront working with BigCommerce in a headless configuration.

Features and Capabilities of BigCommerce

BigCommerce boasts an extensive array of features and capabilities designed to support eCommerce businesses. Third party apps, on the other hand, handle vendor management and product catalog sync, to jointly deliver a comprehensive suite of tools to run marketplace operations and drive growth.

You would be using tools from two different SaaS providers with two roadmaps and two support teams. This is not an all-in-one setup.

BigCommerce Pricing and Costs Comparison:

When it comes to pricing, BigCommerce offers various plans tailored to different business needs, with costs scaling based on factors such as transaction volume and additional features. Compared to native marketplace platforms like Vendo, which may offer a more straightforward pricing structure, the cost of a developing, hosting, and maintaining a decoupled storefront and all the third-party apps can add up, potentially impacting the overall affordability for businesses.

We've seen marketplace businesses running on BigCommerce (backend) and AWS (storefront) paying upwards from $4,000 a month plus the salaries of a development team.

BigCommerce Ease of Use and User Interface Comparison:

BigCommerce provides a user-friendly interface designed to simplify the process of setting up and managing an eCommerce business. However, compared to native marketplace platforms like Vendo, which offer an end-to-end approach, navigating through third-party apps and integrations on BigCommerce may require additional time and effort, introducing operational complexity and usability limitations.

BigCommerce is not natively build to support marketplace businesses. Vendo is an all-in-one marketplace platform.

BigCommerce Customization Options and Flexibility Comparison:

BigCommerce offers extensive customization options and flexibility for single-vendor eCommerce. While this allows businesses to tailor the platform to specific single-vendor requirements, it also introduces complexity and potential challenges in managing marketplace user experiences effectively compared to native platforms like Vendo.

Vendo is a platform for marketplaces. If you need a feature that is a no brainer - we'll build it for you.

SEO and Marketing Capabilities Comparison:

BigCommerce provides robust SEO and marketing capabilities to help businesses drive traffic and sales to their marketplace. However, compared to native platforms like Vendo, which offer product curation features tailored to running a marketplace business, leveraging single-vendor feature set on BigCommerce might be limiting.

Vendo helps you with product categorization, product attribute matching and many other marketplace specific tasks.

Customer Support Comparison:

BigCommerce offers dedicated customer support to assist businesses with setting up and managing a typical eCommerce business. However, the level of support for third-party apps and integrations may vary, potentially leading to challenges in resolving issues related to third-party functionalities compared to native platforms like Vendo, which offer integrated support for all features.

Instead of talking to two independent team not speaking with each other, why not talk to Vendo only.

Conclusion and Recommendation:

In conclusion, BigCommerce presents a compelling solution for businesses seeking to launch a typical, single-vendor eCommerce with the flexibility of third-party integrations. While its versatility and scalability make it a suitable choice for businesses with single-vendor requirements, the use of third-party apps may introduce additional complexities and considerations, particularly in terms of marketplace merchandising, shipping, taxes, invoicing. Businesses exploring marketplace solutions should carefully evaluate their needs and consider the trade-offs between BigCommerce ecosystem of apps and native marketplace platform like Vendo.


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