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Case Study
Jan 8, 2024

99designs eCommerce case study and how to start a look-alike marketplace

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99designs is an online platform connecting businesses with a community of graphic designers and creatives to create custom designs for various categories, including logos, websites, marketing materials, and more. If you're eager to start a similar eCommerce business using a marketplace approach, Vendo simplifies the process of offering high-quality products from a variety of top-notch brands. 

With Vendo's platform, you can swiftly establish a marketplace that closely resembles popular ones, getting it up and running within a matter of days. Vendo also handles the complexities of inventory management and shipping logistics, freeing you to concentrate on your customers and their needs.


Vendo is also a one-stop-shop for all your marketplace needs, providing you with a marketplace platform automating day-to-day operation, a catalog of brands to pick from or an ability to invite your own brands, merchandising and promotional tools, ability to sell through multiple channels (your existing website, emails & SMS, mobile app, social media), and ongoing daily support scaling your marketplace business.   

From Online Forum to Global Design Hub: 

99designs, a worldwide creative platform, has streamlined the collaboration between designers and clients to produce designs that resonate. Established in 2008, this innovative company has evolved from a modest online forum into a thriving global community of exceptionally talented designers. With headquarters in Melbourne, Australia, and additional offices in Oakland, California, and Berlin, Germany, 99designs has successfully cultivated creativity and harnessed it to create opportunities for people across the globe.

Diverse Design Offerings: 

99designs, a renowned creative platform, offers a wide range of design categories, each catering to different client needs and preferences. Among their best-selling product categories are:

Logo Design: Creating unique logos that represent businesses or brands effectively.

  1. Example: A professionally designed logo for a startup tech company.

Web and App Design: Crafting user-friendly and visually appealing website and mobile app interfaces.

  1. Example: A modern website layout for an e-commerce store.

Book and Magazine Covers: Designing captivating covers for books, magazines, and e-books.

  1. Example: A compelling book cover for a bestselling novel.

Packaging Design: Developing eye-catching packaging for products to enhance shelf appeal.

  1. Example: Innovative packaging for a new skincare product.

Illustration and Art: Creating custom illustrations, artwork, and graphics for various purposes.

  1. Example: An intricate digital illustration for a poster.

Success Factors:

  • Talent Pool: 99designs' success stems from its extensive network of skilled designers worldwide, ensuring a diverse range of design solutions.
  • User-Friendly Platform: The user-friendly interface simplifies the design process, allowing clients to easily describe their needs and provide feedback to designers.
  • Competitive Contests: Their unique contest-based model encourages healthy competition among designers, resulting in high-quality designs.
  • Client Collaboration: 99designs emphasizes collaboration between clients and designers, ensuring the final product aligns with the client's vision.
  • Global Reach: Operating globally has enabled 99designs to connect clients with designers from various cultural backgrounds, enhancing creativity.

By focusing on these success factors, aspiring e-commerce businesses can replicate 99designs achievements and create a thriving platform for creative collaborations.

Get started with a look-alike marketplace like 99designs on Vendo!


  • Book a demo call: We’ll set you up with a demo marketplace 
  • Customize your Storefront: We’ll help you craft an on-brand shopping UX 
  • Onboard Brands: Pick from the Vendo brand catalog. Or invite your own.
  • Select Products: Curate product collections manually or automate it.
  • Embed products: Make your editorial content and newsletters shoppable 
  • Get Paid: Get paid as soon as products are shipped by the brands. 
  • Get Repeat Sales: Keep your customer relationship, emails, order history


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